Friday, April 20, 2012

From the Tree Spirits

Can you hear us? Then, listen carefully.

What you know – and we mean “knowing” how you used to understand it with your physical brain structure and the system of beliefs – is not what real world is nearly at all. There are some outlines and ideas that can be called “correct”, yet other concepts are based on your agreements to perceive things and events in a certain way rather than your perception as it could have been used even before this moment.

Now, however, you are aware of the single point of access in your sacred heart – your ability to connect with all that is as you are capable now of consciously sustaining the Unified Field of Consciousness within you, anchoring it within your physicality. (Are we too fast?)

Smiling and laughing are no doubt your best virtues and your fastest way to ascension, i.e. the true understanding of this world created by your curiosity and made possible by the applications of the formats you are gradually becoming conscious of.

We are here to be with you on this journey, and we are honored as you are talking to us now – after some time (a smile).

We know nothing about your passage of time, and we cannot share with you the ideas that are connected to the linearity of time. What we do understand though that you are becoming much more alive, vibrant, brilliant and radiant as we watch you walking the path of awakening your consciousness. We are truly thrilled by this opportunity to be heard by you, and to be connected to your heart. How does it feel to you? Do not lose this sense ever again.


September 20, 2011
A note from a kitchen drawer

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