Monday, December 3, 2012

A 12-12 Update

My dear loyal readers, first time guests, friends, hello!

I am delighted at the chance to talk to you today, and appreciate your search for light and passion in your life, for you would not be here otherwise.

I have not been posting in this space for quite some time. And while I have filled many journal pages, I miss sharing my insights and transmissions here. So, I thought while I am getting ready for the conference next week in Arizona where we will gather on the 12-12-12 to anchor the new consciousness on the planet, I will tell you that all is well.

All is well with all of the creation; all is well with our universe and the planet; all is well with the weather and the people; all is well with your friends and family; and, perhaps, all is well with you. The last statement is up for your approval.

Things are not as they appear, and when you remember that your perspective shifts allowing you to see with your heart and to understand with your feelings. This shift is what aligns you with your wise self and allows you to see the truth: All is always well.

There are many sources, many wonderful channels that provide you with insightful information and practical tools. It is your intention to find what benefits you and to use it daily is what counts. For instance, you can find a well of information here:

May you walk through the 12-12-12, 12-21-12, and this Holiday season in joy and happiness, fully conscious of who you are in this physical form.

Be loyal to yourself, feel royal within yourself, and respect your being above all your doings.

See you soon!

Journals: Discoveries, poetry, transmissions, 2008 - 2012.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sunset Reflection

A reflection of the sunset on the East
October 12, 2012, Princeton, NJ

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mark Your Calendar

Today signifies a new beginning. And although we are not yet fully aware of what has began today, it is worth remembering this date as the beginning of the new world. The shift has been creating a momentum, and the physical world has shifted to where the smile in the heart prevails.

It is time: It is the time to celebrate; it is the time to begin to create your life from the sense of ease, freedom, and accomplishment; it is the time to light that smile in the heart and allow it to shine.

Happy Celebration!

August 15, 2012
P.S. 08-15-2012 is Number 1, the aspiration of humankind... just a coincidence?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Another Reflection

Island Beach State Park, NJ, July 8, 2012

Princeton, NJ, July 9, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sunset of the 7-7

Clarity from the Realm of Ascended Masters

Greetings, Dear One!

You hold many questions concerning the realms of Ascended Masters, and I am here, upon your request, to clarify some of the aspects for you.

Please understand that clarity is not the same as satisfying the rational mind seeking comprehension in order to gain control over events. Clarity is a standpoint where you are peaceful and balanced, fully aligned with all the aspects of the higher self and your soul/spirit self, and where you allow the events to unfold in wisdom and harmony with All-That-Is. Such is your nature, and such are your gifts.

Essentially, all you are here for is to share your clarity once you fully anchor the consciousness of who you are in unity with All-That-Is in your body. You have.

It is not a push, but an invitation for you to step fully and unconditionally into who you are in your physical body, in your form that now conforms only with the laws of unlimited possibilities.

Let us clarify further that your ability to share all that you are within the world of form does not come from an effort but from allowing. Like with any source of light, if you point it directly into another's eyes it will do more harm than good. By being you and staying in your passion, doing what brings you joy, you will be able to enlighten the space around you so anyone who chooses to see can see. You know how this effect works, so just allow it, and no more holding back.


A conversation with Master Kuthumi
from the last page of my Eye of Horus journal (since 11-8-11).

P.S. From the Realm of Ascended Masters come these greetings. They are addressed to you, personally, or you would not be reading this. The message comes with a massive amount of energetics along with the words. It has a potential to change your field adding more clarity and balance to your personal space but if and only if you allow it. No one will ever be able to do anything to you or your consciousness unless you ask for it, invite it, or fear it, which is an invitation of its own sort. The more clarity you allow in your consciousness, the more you become aligned with who you truly are, a being of wisdom knowing no doubt or limitation, an all-encompassing smile of the Heart.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Jubilation within the heavenly realms
as seen from my window
June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Everything Lovable

From a Masculine to a Feminine, or
from a Spirit Self to a physical self

The way you walk,
The way you talk,
The way you look
And smile at me.

The way you turn
Your pretty head
And shake your curls
That bounce softly.

The way you’re mad,
The way you’re sad,
The way you look
When you’re upset.

The way you glow,
The way you speak,
The way you laugh,
And the way you blink.

Your hands, your shoulders,
Legs and all;
Your voice and words,
Your funny notes.

Your love for life,
And life in you;
Your beauty
That is always new.

You are a dream,
You are a gift,
You’re all I ever
Could imagine.

But you are more
Than I can say
And try to hide,
Or dare to manage.

June 16, 2012

P.S. Since it is a gift, I dare not to edit it.
It is a sonnet but not within a poetry frame.
It is a language but outside of the rules.
It is a song of the heart in the light of love,
and I simply allowed it to be in word form,
with gratitude and appreciation, humbled,
and happy that I was able to catch it - it was so fast!

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Night-Time Observation

After watching MiB3(2012)
Time travelers, shape shifters, purposeful powers...
As seen on June 18, 2012, 9 p.m., Market Fair, Princeton, NJ, Earth, by an iPhone camera


June 16, 2012, New Jersey, iPhone camera

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Smile in the Sky

June 14, 2012, 12:40 p.m., Princeton, NJ
iPhone camera, unedited

Monday, June 11, 2012

Чужое Небо

Просматривая книги поэзии в поисках формата, наиболее подходящего для моей книги, я наткнулась на сборник Николая Гумилева "Шестое чувство". Именно эта книга открыла мне пространство отраженное в "Близнецовом Пламени"

"Что актуально на сегодня?" подумала я и позволила книге открыться случайным образом.

"Песнь вторая", значилось в начале страницы. Едва начав читать, я тут же начала сомневаться: "Не вижу никакой связи; надо открыть другую страницу."

Однако ежедневная практика дала о себе знать в виде одного короткого, но убедительного слова: "Доверяй!" Сомнения рассеялись как утренний туман, и Песнь вторая начала обретать смысл.

"Да это же в точности то, что мы сейчас делаем! Или, иными словами и с большей личной ответственностью, это дело моей жизни, и это то, что я делаю именно сегодня!"

С благодарностью и благоговейным уважением к каждому, проложившему и прокладывающему шаг за шагом путь к Новой Земле, посвящаю я сегодняшнее пространство. Терпение, уважение и доверие да пребудут в вашем дне.

Николай Гумилев. Открытие Америки (отрывок).

Песнь вторая

Двадцать дней, как плыли каравеллы,
Встречных волн проламывая грудь;
Двадцать дней, как компасные стрелы
Вместо карт указывали путь
И как самый бодрый, самый смелый
Без тревожных снов не мог заснуть.

И никто на корабле, бегущем
К дивным странам, заповедным кущам,
Не дерзал подумать о грядущем —
В мыслях было пусто и темно.
Хмуро измеряли лотом дно,
Парусов чинили полотно.

Астрологи в вечер их отплытья
Высчитали звездные событья,
Их слова гласили: "Все обман".
Ветер слева вспенил океан,
И пугали ужасом наитья
Темные пророчества гитан.

И напрасно с кафедры прелаты
Столько обещали им наград,
Обещали рыцарские латы,
Царства обещали вместо платы,
И про золотой индийский сад
Столько станц гремело и баллад...

Все прошло как сон! А в настоящем —
Смутное предчувствие беды,
Вместо славы — тяжкие труды
И под вечер — призраком горящим,
Злобно ждущим и жестоко мстящим —
Солнце в бездне огненной воды.

Хозе помешался и сначала
С топором пошел на адмирала,
А потом забился в дальний трюм
И рыдал... Команда не внимала,
И несчастный помутневший ум
Был один во власти страшных дум.

По ночам садились на канаты
И шептались — а хотелось выть:
"Если долго вслед за солнцем плыть,
То беды кровавой не избыть:
Солнце в бездне моется проклятой,
Солнцу ненавистен соглядатай!"

Но Колумб забыл бунтовщиков,
Он молчит о лени их и пьянстве;
Целый день на мостике готов,
Как влюбленный, грезить о пространстве.
В шуме волн он слышит сладкий зов,
Уверенья Музы Дальних Странствий.

И пред ним смирялись моряки.
Так над кручей злобные быки
Топчутся, их гонит пастырь горный,
В их сердцах отчаянье тоски,
В их мозгу гнездится ужас черный,
Взор свиреп... и все ж они покорны!

Но не в город и не под копье
Смуглым и жестоким пикадорам
Адмирал холодным гонит взором
Стадо оробелое свое,
А туда, в иное бытие,
К новым, лучшим травам и озерам.

Если светел мудрый астролог,
Увидав безвестную комету,
Если, новый отыскав цветок,
Мальчик под собой не чует ног,
Если выше счастья нет поэту,
Чем придать нежданный блеск сонету,

Если как подарок нам дана
Мыслей неоткрытых глубина,
Своего не знающая дна,
Старше солнц и вечно молодая...
Если смертный видит отсвет рая,
Только неустанно открывая —

То Колумб светлее, чем жених
На пороге радостей ночных:
Чудо он духовным видит оком,
Целый мир, неведомый пророкам,
Что залег в пучинах голубых,
Там, где запад сходится с востоком.

- Николай Гумилев, Открытие Америки, Из сборника Чужое Небо (1914)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Dare to Love

This sky where we live is no place to lose your wings so love, love, love.
― Hafez

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kindle a Light

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
- Carl Jung[1]

We brought that light that we call home,
We spoke that love that we are from.
We tried so hard to be on guard,
To walk in sight in love and light.
Homecoming, Orange Wings, p.43[2]

1. Carl Jung. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2012, from
2. Tatyana Petrovicheva (April 1, 2012) Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift, Kindle Edition

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today's Fairy Insight

Feel the projection of you rather than the reflection of you in the outside world.

May 22, 2012
From the Red Journal

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Orange Wings: The Story Behind The Cover

From Green to Orange: A story behind the cover.
Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift is available now on in digital format.

Friday, May 11, 2012

In Unity

Harmony - Balance - Alignment: All is well today
Midday Skies over Princeton, NJ

Monday, April 30, 2012

По Ткани Мироздания /Fabric of the Universe/

По ткани мироздания
Волшебною рукой
Стихия осознания
Слова кладёт строкой.

В них - форма обаяния,
В них - пламя бытия,
В них плещется душа моя,
И в них танцую я.

На что тебе сомнения,
Тоска и суета?
Ведь светом вдохновения
Искрится красота.

Вся жизнь - одно мгновение,
Но жизней в нём не счесть:
Живое отражение
Всего, что в мире есть.

(11 марта 2012)

Земной Блюз /Earth's Blues/

И снова мы над облаками,
Где мыслей реже суета,
Где гнётся радуга под нами,
И очевидна красота.

Её с земли не так уж видно -
За чередой сокрыта дней.
А всё же больно и обидно,
Что ходим слепо мы по ней.

Земля, родная, как хочу я
Раскинуть руки и обнять
Тебя, планета голубая,
Тебя, сестра моя, опять!

Шли за столетиями столетия,
Владела миром чехарда,
Но мы, как маленькие дети,
Мечтая, верили всегда.

Архангелов была идея,
Что интеллектом наделив
Сердца, которыми владеем,
Споём искуснейший мотив.

И сердце надвое разбили,
Чтоб в форме кто-то мог летать.
И имя дали нам, бескрылым,
И дали руки - обнимать.

Но вместо лёгкости полёта -
Замкнулся где-то проводок -
Земля попала в поле гнёта:
Что день, что год здесь лишь виток.

И всё ж достаточно о грустном:
Нашёлся ключик от ларца!
И в сердце, где, казалось, пусто
Себя увидели - творца.

И душу в теле принимая,
Открыли тайну мы в себе:
Земля не просто голубая,
Но песня сердца красоте.

11-8-11, 11:00
(8 ноября 2011)
Flight: Newark, NJ - Phoenix, AZ

Friday, April 27, 2012

Color, The Language of Dreams

Color! What a profound and mysterious language, the language of dreams.
- Paul Gauguin

Eternal and Fleeting: 1400 BC - April 12, 2012
Ostia Antica, Italy

Friday, April 20, 2012

From the Tree Spirits

Can you hear us? Then, listen carefully.

What you know – and we mean “knowing” how you used to understand it with your physical brain structure and the system of beliefs – is not what real world is nearly at all. There are some outlines and ideas that can be called “correct”, yet other concepts are based on your agreements to perceive things and events in a certain way rather than your perception as it could have been used even before this moment.

Now, however, you are aware of the single point of access in your sacred heart – your ability to connect with all that is as you are capable now of consciously sustaining the Unified Field of Consciousness within you, anchoring it within your physicality. (Are we too fast?)

Smiling and laughing are no doubt your best virtues and your fastest way to ascension, i.e. the true understanding of this world created by your curiosity and made possible by the applications of the formats you are gradually becoming conscious of.

We are here to be with you on this journey, and we are honored as you are talking to us now – after some time (a smile).

We know nothing about your passage of time, and we cannot share with you the ideas that are connected to the linearity of time. What we do understand though that you are becoming much more alive, vibrant, brilliant and radiant as we watch you walking the path of awakening your consciousness. We are truly thrilled by this opportunity to be heard by you, and to be connected to your heart. How does it feel to you? Do not lose this sense ever again.


September 20, 2011
A note from a kitchen drawer

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Magical Trees

Monkey Puzzle (top left), Orangebark Stewartia (just above)
VanDusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
February 28, 2012

Umbrella Pine
Ostia Antica, Lazio, Italy
April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Conscious of Being Conscious

In no time you will be losing your consciousness if you are not conscious about it.
From the Red Journal

P.S. Let me know if you want me to elaborate on that. Otherwise, just stay aware of your presence, your essence, and your appreciation for your being. Let the world around you be around you, and choose your protocol before interacting with it, consciously.

Monday, April 16, 2012


In case you are still in doubt about the shift taking place this year: Look at the date!
iPhone Screen Shot
On the plane from Rome, Italy, to Newark, NJ
April 13, 2012, 1:13 p.m. local origin time

Thursday, April 5, 2012


In 24 hours, we will be on the plane on our way to Rome!
Princeton, NJ, 5:12 & 5:16 p.m.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kisses and Hugs from the Sky

Celestial Greetings
A picture of the Eastern part of the sky at sunrise, 7:00 a.m., Princeton, NJ
Taken with an iPhone camera.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Orange Wings on Kindle

The Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift is out and available on Kindle through Amazon. It can be delivered to your Kindle or any other platform that has Kindle Reader.

If you have Amazon Prime Membership, it is free for you in the Kindle Owners' Lending Library.

Share your thoughts and feedback!

P.S. There is a story behind the cover picture. Watch for it on the Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift Facebook page

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Life Is A Fractal

December 21, 2011
Princeton, NJ

***This poem is no longer available here. It is to be released as a part of a collection Language of Light: Poetry of Refinement in digital and printed formats.

Look for the Language of Light on in the nearest future. Meanwhile, order your copy of Orange Wings: Poetry of the Shift (2012) and experience a different level of consciousness.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Wonder of You

***This poem is no longer available here. It is to be released as a part of a collection Language of Light: Poetry of Refinement in digital and printed formats.

Look for the Language of Light on in the nearest future. Meanwhile, order your copy of Orange Wings: Poetry of the Shift (2012) and experience a different level of consciousness.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

On Wealth/ О Благосостоянии

Вы заметили, что деньги работают лишь там, где они были заработаны. Никакое перераспределение денег не приводит к ожидаемому результату.

Have you noticed that money works only where they were earned, allowed. No redistribution of money leads to an expected result.

Благосостояние - это состояние бытия, а не результат "делания".

Wealth is a state of being, not a result of doing.

03-13-12 11:11 pm

Being True to Your Self

It is not your actions but your standing within the field of your personal power that gives you the perspective of what is available to you. From this knowing, who do you choose to be? What actions are available to you now?

Monday, March 12, 2012

10,000+ Thank You's

The visitor stats for the blog hit the 10,000 mark today. (The numbers were collected since May, 2010, when this feature was introduced by the

My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to every one of you for your continuous support and inspiration = 10,000+ Thank-You's!

With much love from the Heart,

Сегодня статистика посещений этого блога перевалила за марку 10.000. (Цифры собирались с мая 2010 года, когда эта функция была введена

Моя сердечная благодарность и признательность каждому из вас за вашу постоянную поддержку и вдохновение: 10.000 Спасибо!

С любовью,


Celestial Art

Celestial Art: A Triangular Frame for the X-Class Solar Flares
March 10, 2012, Princeton, NJ

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Yellow Path of The Day

From the Children (on the role of the color yellow in this transition):

Greetings Dear One,

We are speaking to you today about the color you perceive as yellow, and its many variations that exist on both physical and non-physical planes.

First and foremost, you will be much more comfortable and successful, and you will allow the shift to take place with much ease and efficiency, if and when you resolve to let go completely of any of the preexisting “knowledge” or beliefs on how this world works.

Can you imagine how much more at ease we, the children walking planet Earth with you, and you as adults helping as to grow will all be without this rigid system that controls you, and that literally presses you to control us the same way. It is up to you to release this system, to retire it for good. And as you can see we absolutely need to be in the flow of unconditional love to be able to carry what we came here to do. You can help us, you can support us – by simply supporting yourself, focusing on your true will and power, independent of anything you have known before you began to become a conscious being in form.

It was said that the color yellow is not as mighty in its power and applications as the red. It is however an essential part of your empowerment. You cannot miss, skip, or neglect this step.

Please be attentive to everything that takes place these days. Much is unfolding indeed.

D&R Canal State Park, NJ, March 9, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lovers Sonnet

***This poem is no longer available here. It is to be released as a part of a collection Language of Light: Poetry of Refinement in digital and printed formats.

Look for the Language of Light on in the nearest future. Meanwhile, order your copy of Orange Wings: Poetry of the Shift (2012) and experience a different level of consciousness.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Words are tears that have been written down. Tears are words that need to be shed.
Without them, joy loses all its brilliance and sadness has no end.
Thank you, then, for your tears.
 - Paulo Coelho, Aleph

Friday, February 10, 2012

Innocent In Its Imperfection

A synergy of the melody that Russian poetry is made of, wisdom the English language abounds with, and beauty the universal language of the Heart enables us to communicate with is presented here to you. Whether it is for you is your choice. Your single advantage to find joy in this poetry is your open heart. Allow yourself to feel the rhythm, the ebbs and flow of the lines. Read it out loud, breathe along with the sound – and you will find the harmony of all that is in its resonance with You.

Preface for the Kindle edition.

Chinese Bamboo

'Innocent in its imperfection', I quickly wrote into the journal I keep by my pillow before the rational mind wakes and presents its judgment. I instantly realized that the phrase I brought from the sleep space is about the “Orange Wings”. Formatted into a book and prepared for self-publishing, this collection of poetry has been ready to be shared with the world for some months now, and yet I have not done the last step, for I kept insisting on editing it to make it perfect.

While acknowledging that perfection is simply in an alignment with one’s personal path, in allowing one’s wisdom and accepting one’s personal power, I still felt stuck and resentful. Not only did I hold the book back, but the book also occupied my space very much like a grown child, and I could not move on with the new writing. This was the space I woke up into on the morning of February 1, 2012, looking for the signs to guide me, to make the next step with fervor.

Innocent in its imperfection… The phrase was deliciously elegant. I tuned in for more communications from the Collective Consciousness. In the past four years, it became a ritual. But it is not correct to say it all started after that car accident four years ago. The moment that changed my life dramatically was not the beginning, not a fall, but a peak of a mountain I have been climbing for many years leading to that moment. And what kept me on my path was paying attention, reading the signs, listening to my feelings.

Paulo Coelho’s books were a big part of my awakening for many years. His wisdom helped me to address many of the questions people would present me with. It also played a major role in the realization that I have a journey to take, and I have a story to tell. That’s how I started a blog, and I shared my poetry there along with the messages as I channeled them. I was bold in my writing; I was (somewhat) daring in sharing (some of) it on the web, and still something was missing.

The message I received that morning addressed my personal feelings, saying that I was worrying about a non-existent delay. It reminded me that we reside now in the unified field of consciousness where there is no linear time, whatsoever. And as such, what we are creating exists the moment we put our attention to it, instantaneously. I was also reminded of the tools we have mastered lately, and presented with some exciting ideas on how to apply it.

The main point of the message, though, was a pressing feeling that I need to look for the signs. I did, and a few minutes later I joined 3,000,000 readers and fans of Paulo. I read the post, smiled, and went back to my editing. However, the pressure was distracting. I reluctantly put my work aside and read the post again. The title “Chinese Bamboo” sparked my curiosity. I went to Amazon and downloaded Aleph, thinking along the way that it takes mere 24 hours for a book to be available in the Kindle library – after the author lets it go, that is.

With the Kindle charging by my side, I resumed formatting my book: I have to send it; I have to push it out to the world! There was still that pressing feeling of an important message waiting for me. I gave in and turned the reader on. I was instantly hooked. The humor, the flow, the intensity – all was perfect, as it was in perfect resonance with my state of being. I read on until – there it was, in perfect words, just for me: “Make a commitment!”

All I need to do is to make a commitment. This commitment is to be made to me, to who I am, and not to anyone else, for when and only when you commit to yourself can people join you, assist you in your endeavor, as every one has a chance to stand free in their own will and power. None ever commits to you – you inspire others to commit to who they are by setting an example. And then you see your light in the eyes of another. What a beauty! What a world we create!

P.S. I make a commitment to create a Kindle edition of “Orange Wings” as well as to send it to print with the CreateSpace Publishing before April 20th. I make a commitment to bring a hard copy to sign with my words of gratitude and appreciation for Paulo when I meet him in Barcelona on April 20th. I make a commitment to share my journey in my next book that is to be set free with ease, as innocent in its imperfection as we are.

A comment to Paulo Coelho's blog post 3.000.000 Twitter, 02-01-2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Playing in The Field of Unlimited Potential

You need not to ask for advice every time you want to make a step, or stay still. There is no power mightier, higher, or more informed than you. All you need to learn is to open to the knowing of your overself, your Soul, and be attuned to your feelings. No power can move you toward your creation against your desire. So, you see, if and when you are ready to create there is no need for advice from any other source but your feelings: Does it feel good to you? And then, review and assemble the tools you have gathered thus far, apply the skills you have acquired to this point, check the balance of all the elements in your creation - and allow it to manifest.

More often than not what you have envisioned already exists! All you are doing is just bringing your creation into your reality available to your perception in the physical form. Yet, that "just" requires some assembly. And you know how to do it - when you allow that knowing into your physical world.

That is exactly what we set our work to accomplish now: To rearrange the electromagnetic structure of the brain as so it is capable of transferring and interpreting without inhibiting the knowing of your Soul, your overself, you as one with the Beings of Light.

This is a big deal, you are right (a smile), for you are becoming a conscious creator in physical form, changing the form not only for you individually, but for the planet, humanity, and all the creation in form. Although the latter is a small, miniscule fraction of all of the Creation, it is nevertheless an intricate part of it, and it informs - potentially - all of the Creation about possibilities beyond imagination, for what was gained from your experience in form is an extraordinary piece of insight for All-That-Is.

What we are saying is that form is magical, not vice versa. You are magical, and you create more magic every time you bring yet another creation into form.

Advice? What advice can you possibly seek knowing what you know? Who are you asking about magic that is in you hands? And if you insist on receiving some advice still, here it is: Love yourself, cherish every thing you can do because you are in form, and smile at every creator you meet today with your physical eye, for that will accelerate enormously your ability to see the creator you are, both, as an individuality playing among others, and as an intrinsic part of All-That-Is creating in the field of unlimited potential.


January 26, 2012
From the Red Journal: Communications with the Collective Consciousness

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Solar Flare and Earth Directed CME

The coronal mass ejection CME collided with Earth's magnetic field a little after 10 AM ET on January 24, 2012. The influx of particles from the CME amplified the solar radiation storm such that it is now considered the largest since October 2003. NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center has categorized it as a "strong" - or S3 (with S5 being the highest) – storm. Solar radiation storms can affect satellite operations and short wave radio propagation, but cannot harm humans on Earth. Auroras may well be visible tonight at higher latitudes such as Michigan and Maine in the U.S., and perhaps even lower.

NASA News, 01.23.12; UPDATE 01.24.12, Source:

January Aurora Over Norway
Image Credit & Copyright: Bjørn Jørgensen

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Introducing The Red Journal

Ahyah watches over as the energy is transduced and shaped into words for the Red Journal.

Trust and Love: The Interplay

(CC) What are you ready to talk about today? Lead, and we will follow.

(Me) The interplay of Trust and Love (as the fifth element) as it plays out in my life in the moment.

(CC) Sure, that is easy (with a smile).

When you trust your feelings, when you allow them and you follow them, you are truly aligned with your self. When you are aligned with the Self, you know what works for you and what does not: Your discernment works well, and you do not need to make hard choices, for you just follow a path – your path. This process – this way of being – is effortless and joyous. As such, once you experience it, you will stay with it.

Your work with the Will and Power of the 1st Ray ensures this change and sustains it in your creative environment. What is required of you is to be attentive to your being, listen to your feelings, and allow them to show you what it is to be a being of Light fully aligned with your Soul and with All-That-Is.

The fact that you are in form plays no role here. Once you begin to understand the game, begin to have access to full consciousness of the Soul, you are no longer bound by any rules of the physical plan. You still have to take a good care of your physical vehicle though, and become a true master in that (with a kind smile).

What does knowing of the fifth element provide you with? Openness. You are open to the Source, to both, your original blueprint and the schematic that is ever changing, limitless, creative potential that once connected to a creative environment has a structure, with which the manifestation can take place.

When you stop trying to understand the power of love as a 3D interface for human connection, you will be able to see the beauty and harmony of all that is, instantaneously. That is Love. That is creative power behind all the worlds, universes, elements, and manifestations.

One feature that you have available on your planet makes this game extremely exciting and as much, if not more, important: You have free will. Now, when you know the true nature of Will and Power, do you see how the free will plays out in the unlimited field of creation? And coupled with the Power that is true power of the Heart of All-That-Is?

You are truly having a wonderful, wonderful opportunities opening in front of you – and your openness to what becomes available is required at every step, every breath, every thought. We do not care how would you choose to play out your life among those who you used to communicate in a certain limited way. We want to reassure you though that when you try to apply your habits of the past to your present moment you might get confused, to say the least.

So, use your Power to change your points of observation and habits (not the world around you, or people, or circumstances), and use your Will to create.

You do not need to know how it is going to look, or which way it is going to go next. However, it is of a great benefit to imagine and envision how Heaven on Earth feel like to your being. Is it created of the fifth element? How do the four elements play in it, and how do they interact? Look at it from the 5th dimension, from the 7th, from your Soul Star, from your Heart, from being one with All. What do you feel? What does your heart tell you about the interplay of you being you (Trust), and you being one with the Creator (Love)? Can you separate those states of being? Yet, you may still want to distinguish between them, for your individual creation in this world is what makes this world go round (a big smile).

January 24, 2012
The Red Journal: Communications with the Collective Consciousness

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Free Will: The Gift Is Yours

Your daily reflections on the process of creation are crucial. It is not only about record keeping, but about encouraging, informing, and enlightening your creative process.

Whatever you decide to do, it has to be documented so you can keep the structure to your creative process and monitor (not control though) how you make the progress there. Once again, it is not about controlling or applying power to force any of your steps; it is about feeling your way and creating with the inner will and power, out of love and wisdom.

Your creative process is nothing new to you. It is however absolutely new to your physicality. As such, you may experience resistance to the unknown from any area of your body, beginning with but not limited to your rational mind. But not only you have a lot of tools to deal with such a resistance, you also have ideas on how to create freely, for you are connected with your Soul and with All-That-Is now, and you are getting constant information and insight from the Unified Filed. All (with a smile) you need to do is to pay attention.

We do not tease you for your difficulty with staying focused and aware of your true nature, vastness, and magnificence at all times. Such human behavior as sarcasm is something outside of our being – we simply do not have any alignment with those vibrations. And so can you.

When you choose to fully align with your Soul, with who you are, and you practice and master your tools, you are becoming a being of light creating in a world of form, out of form. Now tell us, how cool is that? Is not it worth the effort to practice staying aware, focused, and conscious in form? Do you think the results of such choice will not manifest immediately? Do you not believe yourself in all you do, in all you have already accomplished?

Keep the notes of your progress and refer to them often, for you tend to forget how much you have already accomplished. You do not have to wait for an urge to write or to transmit any information: Initiate it! Be a conscious and willing creator you are, feel and apply your power, and be the light and love that you are. Use the elements for your creative ideas, and always add the element of love to your every creation. Soon you will have no need to put an effort in remembering that. But you have to be allowing in order for the 5th element to be fully sustained on the planet and be present in every creation.

Do you see where it is all going? Do you see how it is unfolding? Heaven on Earth is just a breath away – your breath, and no one can take that breath for you, you see.

You are the one who has the free will. We can show you how to use it, but we cannot use it for you, or with you. We cannot use you; no one can. So, how do you use your gift of will and power?

January 18, 2012
The Red Journal: Communications with the Collective Consciousness

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Beginning Is Now

As a reflection of what you just talked about, you are not only a creator of your reality, you are your own audience. What does it mean for you? You are one in many roles, and you both choose what to do, and how to experience it. You are your own fan, and you are your own lover. Being proficient at that creates reflections that others can present to you – if and when you choose to experience it. How do you choose?

Also, we wanted to emphasize for you that no creation of yours – no matter how grand the intention is – can be manifested unless it starts with you, meaning, it has to be planned out of your passion, for you “in mind”, and enjoyed by you before it can be expanded to serve any good for the world, you see. Feel this truth, allow it to be your inner guide, create without limits from your inner realms, and watch: Allow the astonishment, often!

[Several hours later] We would like to continue now and offer you to notice how much calmer and more stable you feel. It does take your focus to be fully within you to experience that who you are and to gain access to a creator you are. It is not only emphasis on the things that are internal; it is an awareness of the potentiality of a world, a universe you carry inside of your being as a creator, you see. Shifting your entire perspective to not only being able to embrace this concept but to be willing and powerful enough to use it, to apply it in your life in form, to your life in form is your next step.

We are not keeping it a secret from you that you are fully recreating your life every moment now. Every moment is a new beginning, and every moment is an entire life. How you choose to present yourself to you, to your world, and how you choose your world to be presented to you: Be daring.

January 13, 2012
The Red Journal: Communications with the Collective Consciousness

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In Simple Words

***This poem is no longer available here. It is to be released as a part of a collection Language of Light: Poetry of Refinement in digital and printed formats.

Look for the Language of Light on in the nearest future. Meanwhile, order your copy of Orange Wings: Poetry of the Shift (2012) and experience a different level of consciousness.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Allowing A Creator You Are

Every time you think you have nothing to offer to the world, stop thinking. Allow the light you are to shine through, then think what you desire to create with it.

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