Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Solstice!

These days, more than before and perhaps more than ever we experience clarity while making choices. That is, when we use our discernment and allow our gut feelings to advise us.

For me personally, it has been very apparent: What my rational mind understands my gut feelings do not conform with. And even when I choose to argue, sooner or later it becomes clear that the truth was in the message from my feelings, not what was considered by the mind as "obvious". Truly, things are not as they seem, and it is up to each one to know what is their truth.

And worry not, for your gut feelings speak the universal truth. Use your discernment, and learn to trust.

Happy Solstice!

Monday, June 20, 2011

When The Eagle Soars

***This poem is no longer available here. It is to be released as a part of a collection Language of Light: Poetry of Refinement in digital and printed formats.

Look for the Language of Light on Amazon.com in the nearest future. Meanwhile, order your copy of Orange Wings: Poetry of the Shift (2012) and experience a different level of consciousness.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Лидер /Leader/

Завтра рано мы проснёмся,
Раньше, чем на небе солнце,
Раньше, чем погаснут звёзды
Встанем мы пока не поздно.

Время всем посторониться -
Всем, кто хочет прятать лица.
Тем же, кто ведёт вперёд
Явит жизнь без дёгтя мёд.

То, что знаем - пригодится
Или грузом обратится.
Места нет на жизнь в рассрочку:
Крылья - в дело, мысли - в строчку.

Сердце дольше ждать не может:
Не случайный ты прохожий
В этой жизни на земле -
Лидерство живёт в тебе.

Долго ли умом метаться
И в сомнениях топтаться?
Сделай шаг - и оживи!
Всё, что нужно знать - внутри.

November 14, 2010

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Family of Light

A Family of Light (as shown in the numbers) is ready to step out.
A multitude of signs, hints, and reminders is everywhere you go. Learn to be an observer, not an analyzer. Wisdom is in the inner knowing, not in a load of information you hoard.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

All Lines Of Communication Are Open

All lines of communication are open. It is up to every persona now to decide how to use it, and whether to use it at all. One may choose to continue to play a role, or a multitude of the roles, adopted from the patterns of social interactions as "the way to live". However a platform has been built that allows for conscious perception of one's being and understanding of the true meaning of events taking place now on the earth plane.

All you need to do is to choose to be conscious at every moment, and intentionally hold your focus on that state of consciousness. Peace of mind, ease of emotional response, and overall sense of well-being will be your prize then. Claim it today.

On this day of total lunar eclipse, the energies are rising providing support and holding you in a space of great opportunities - if only you pay attention. Listen to your inner voice, and trust that all is well. Then, follow the path of well-being without self doubt and with the great passion for just being in this world at this time. You count, and we thank you for being who you are. These are grand times indeed: Open your lines of communications, and you will see.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Timely Message

A message I wish every person I talk to have read. No understanding of the rational mind is required but the intention to align one's life with the flow of light, in joy and ease.

Message from Archangel Michael LM-6-2011 "A LIGHT EPIDEMIC IS SWEEPING THE EARTH"
Transmitted through Ronna Herman
http://www.ronnastar.com/latest.html (the link will change to http://www.ronnastar.com/latestJun11.html by the next month)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Я тебя не искала /I Sought You Not/

Я тебя не искала
Я тебя не ждала
О тебе не мечтала
По ночам не звала

Ты пришел словно ветер
Ты на крыльях принес
Договор наш о встрече
В лепестках скрытый роз

Как могла я не вспомнить?
Как смогла позабыть
В череде многотомной
Сердца двери открыть?

Мы пришли поделиться
Осветить, показать
Жизнь - чтоб ей насладиться
Чтоб себя осознать.

Мы - скандально порочны
Мы - в любви рождены
Ты и я знаем точно
Что себе мы верны

Что Любовь - наше имя
Красота - наша страсть
Что мы Бог и Богиня
Что друг друга мы часть.

Что мы здесь не случайно
Что вдвоем мы - одно
Вспоминаем начало
Открываем окно.

September 24, 2010 (incepted and abandoned)/(начато и забыто)
June 11, 2011 (found and allowed)/(найдено и завершено)

P.S. Речь не идет об отношениях между людьми противоположного пола как их принято понимать в обществе на данный момент, но об аспектах нематериального плана и их воплощении.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Почему-то когда нет на сердце тоски
Не толкаются строчки и не льются стихи.
Неужели для творчества радость не впрок
И слезами фундамент заложен для строк?

10 июня 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summa Cum Laude

We graduated last night. And though it has nothing to do with an academic institution of any kind, many attributes of being a student were present. We studied, practiced, completed group projects, and created real life applications.

The last several weeks were as intense as they were successful. A lot had been accomplished and much more awaits ahead, but last night was grand indeed. Our accomplishments were validated, and we were honored with a gift. You should have heard the ovation at the end!

This morning we got the grades: As you can see, they are perfect! Congratulations to All!

It has been exactly 3 years, 3 months, and 3 days of this ride.

Comments Are Enabled

You can leave your comment here now, and you can still share it via email.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Harmony of June

Galina Filatova, Calendar Harmony, June 2011
For the description, or to see more of Galina's work go to http://www.yourhealingpath.com/28.html

One Way

There is only one way: to the harmony and beauty of all that is. Keep the focus on where you are going, be conscious, and be purposefully nice to yourself.