Friday, March 11, 2011

A Message for Today

We are going to tell you something that you do want to know. What is it about? Let's see...

What is it that you want to know? Applications? Okay. The answer is patience.

You have to apply patience at the level of passion for self and your highest mission in this sector of creation to your every step, every move, every thought. Be very really kind to yourself. Be extremely delicate with who you are in the physical form. You deserve many praises, and plenty of support, and you do not deserve, nor shall you accept, anything that is not based on unconditional love.

We want you to hear, "understand", accept, and apply that. We truly hope that you will do that, and we tell you, only then will you fully know the faith that you are.


P.S. Transmitted with the words was the feeling of unconditional love and support, vast and definitive. It is a message for each and every one, who allows it. As always, take what resonates with you and judge not your response.

I would like to add that the word "understand" above has nothing to do with the rational mind but means alignment with the information presented, as the faith has no reference to any religion or ideology.

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