Friday, December 17, 2010


I do not watch thrillers or Sci-Fi movies. I do not go to watch action movies to the theaters. And I do not go to see any movie the day of its release.

The game has changed today. I went to see Tron: Legacy (2010) because Michael insisted, and I learned to use discernment and trust. And I learned that the game has changed indeed.

The Grid,  the creator, a cyber universe..."This is just a 'game!' - Not any more."

Emotions flooded me. A couple of years ago I was ostracized for my connection to Atlantis. It never existed, people claimed. They are right: That what you did not experience is not real for you. The game in the movie was real, alright. It will be too real for many - watch and you might remember.

But the point is not about remembering the past, for it is no longer real and is not in the moment we are. It is about remembering who you are. And the lessons apply.

Kevin Flynn, the creator of this cyber world, tells that he screwed up because he wanted to create a perfect world. The lesson of Atlantis is just that.

We know now, and we are winning the game this time. Will you choose to? Will you see what's in front of you, the beauty of this world, or spend your life in search for the illusion of perfection?

The beauty and harmony of imperfection is our true legacy, and it is a gift.

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