Friday, January 8, 2010

In the Making

It is a period of transition. Well, not in the sense that we are leaving the physical plan - not literally. This process however resembles the transition from the physical to the spiritual in many aspects. The difference is that it is a two-way process: Gaining an awareness of Who We Are (ascending) while bringing it into the physical plan (grounding). We are at the assembly point right now. What do we choose to do with that? It is literally in our hands (see the last post from 12/22/09, Today's Skies: Wings to Hands).

It's been awhile since that last post, and I started to get nudges. Those came not from the other side though, but from my human friends. And that is exactly the point: I am no longer getting "directions", and it is up to me what to do next. I am given a choice to have my own voice, and to allow myself to express that Who I Am freely and fully.  It is a process, and it has not been automated for us: It is hand made by us, step by step, in joy.

Happy New Year!

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