Friday, October 9, 2009

From The Gods Kingdom

Question: How do you know it's really you?
Answer:  You don't... unless you do.
 - Victor Wooten, I Saw God, a song

Transmission from The Gods Kingdom

Hello Dear Ones, and Welcome!

Welcome to the Kingdom of All, for We are All One, you know. You truly know much more than your human biology based mind knows. It is a valuable part of your planetary experience, and a limiting device as well. There is no contradiction here; but only if you look from the perspective of All The Is you will be able to see it clearly. It is not only time to accept your magnificence as your true nature but to let go of trying to grasp this concept with your rational mind. Simply allow your true knowing to slowly integrate into your physicality, and your lower bodies to ascend consciously.

Most importantly, let go of any notion of differentiation and separation. Uniqueness and individual expression replaces the former. The differences exist as expressions of Beauty of All That Is and as such have no play in the field of rational mind. That was a distortion, and it shall pass now.

The Beauty of All That Is is about accepting Oneself fully and unconditionally, and finding the passion of your Heart at every moment. That makes you the Creator of your Life, and that makes you of our Kingdom, for we are all equal in Who We Are. We just have chosen different ways to experience [life] and serve in the Oneness of All That Is.

Enjoy every moment of your humanness, and stay tuned to the Harmony and Beauty of All That Is.

The Infinite.

September 25, 2009
Princeton, NJ

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