Tuesday, May 5, 2009

‘Til June

I am taking a sabbatical until 06-06-09 when I am back from Nevada.

Meanwhile, there is plenty of information around to contemplate. And reading the same words on two different days will give you completely different insights. As always, listen to your heart and accept as your truth only what resonates with you. Remember, that every one has their own truth, and what others think about you is none of your business.

We are starting a year-long program with Mastering Alchemy and Jim Self tomorrow. The excitement is growing, and the amount of ongoing work is amazing. Yet, it is done in joy and playfulness that life deserves. For more information and downloadable materials see http://www.masteringalchemy.com/, and for some reflections of my experience, Mastering Alchemy from March 31, 2009.

A navigation tip for this site: for reading poetry only, click on Improvisation category under Labels, and turn on your smile.

Be happy – just because you can :)

With much love from the Heart,


Monday, May 4, 2009

Pure Love

May 3, 2009
Princeton, NJ

***This piece is no longer available here. It now appears as a part of a collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift in digital and printed formats.

Look for Orange Wings on Amazon.com:

Orange Wings [Kindle Edition]
Publisher: com.Unity; 1 edition (April 1, 2012)

Orange Wings [Paperback]
Publisher: CreateSpace; 1 edition (April 30, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-1475286663
ISBN-10: 147528666X

Follow Orange Wings on Facebook:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More on the Truth

Asking my Soul to reflect the truth by clearly revealing any held illusion or stalled emotion:

1. An illusion that my love belongs to some one or depends on anyone. It is not. It is mine, and it always IS.

2. An illusion that what I do has to be right or approved, or somehow justified. It is my free choice.

3. An illusion that what I do somehow defines who I am. It does not.

4. An illusion of existence without love. It is not a possibility, for we are Love.

5. We are One, and as such we feel together as one. If there is a stalled emotion, it is only possible to find something else to focus upon, and not to fight it. You can do it by turning your attention toward what is important to you, or by remembering who you truly are. The latter is a much shorter path though. :)

And the Truth is that we are One, and we are eternally loved.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

In Search for Truth

To seek truth within already existing belief systems is to swim
around and around the walls of our self-made fish bowl. Only in the
silence of the mind can original thinking take place.
- Almine, The Thought that Fractured the Infinite

I woke up today with tears in my heart. Yet, what can be perceived as negative is an opportunity to transform and to create. I knew I am staying at my desk and writing. It means a change in plans, and I accept it. I do not see myself going to the city this morning and wandering about parks and museums. New York and ME are not in sync today.

The day proved to be productive.

While writing a chapter about a journey to the Womb, a sacred place on the island I visited last February, I opened Steve Rother’s Lightworker.com for an inspiration – something I have not done for a while. A Goddess card I picked there was the Womb of Potential. Just a coincidence :)

How shall I begin my song in the blue night that is settling? In the great night my heart will go out; toward me the darkness comes, rattling; in the great night my heart will go out,” the epigraph taken from Papago Medicine Woman Chant reflected to me.

But how could possibly there be such a match? How could our world be such perfectly aligned with our thoughts and feelings? The reflection is no less than perfect!

“You may wish to … rearrange your daily schedule, or branch out and do things you have been thinking about but have not taken the time for. It is not to your advantage to remain stuck in the same routines, fearing the significant changes looming in your horizon. Meet this wonderful opportunity with an open mind,” Isha Lerner concludes the page, and I feel the appreciation for her words: Not only I found a reflection of both, my writing and my to-day in there, but something I’d love to share with others – and it is here, in simple and truthful words.

I read it again, and I know exactly what to do. Have I reached one hundred percent certainty mark? It’s a journey, so I keep making steps toward it. Do I still have doubts and fears? Yes, but I walk upon the white pages with an open mind, and I fill them with the book of my life.

What is your book about? Does it create a beautiful smile on your face and a joyous song in your heart? May it be so!

Friday, May 1, 2009

From My Mailbox

"Cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is unlikely." - P. J. O'Rourke

My mailbox surprised me today with this quote. Laughing and yearning for more, I googled the author and enjoyed three more pages of quotes. Surely, he is cynical at times. And springing up from an unbalanced masculine, it is more than normal in our society - as of yet.

The surprise of discovering something new, e.g., a line Funny Quote of the Day, in a mailbox I look at several times a day, reminds me that there always is a gem in something we think we know too well. It is also true about people in our life. Think about it, and allow your life to surprise you. What a great way to start a brand new month!